A new piece of undetectable malware that targets Apple’s Mac computers has emerged called OSX/MaMi. Researchers are saying this malware is somewhat similar to DNSChaner...
ALERT: Make Sure Your Business is Safe from Meltdown and Spectre
Intel recently found itself (once again) in hot water, mere months after many flaws were discovered in the firmware that enables all of their chips to do their job. This...
According to Study, Only 28% Utilize Two-Factor Authentication
2FA, or two-factor authentication, is a simple and effective means of boosting your cybersecurity. Despite this, a study performed by Duo Labs suggests that 2FA has not been...
Hitman Email Scam Threatens Your Life, Instead of Your Data
Email scams have become a sort of punchline, often featuring Nigerian princes or wealthy, unknown relatives in need of funds to get home. However, another email scam is...
Are You Accidentally Gifting a Security Breach?
The holidays are a time filled with good food, visits from dear friends and family, and exchanging gifts with those you care about. However, to keep the season bright and...
Net Neutrality Still Needs Your Help!
December 14th is the last day that our government representatives can vote whether or not to continue the Internet’s protection under the net neutrality rules established in...