Does it feel like your web browser is running slower than it should? Or is your browser prone to freezing up and crashing? If so, there’s one easy troubleshooting tip that...
Tip of the Week
Tip of the Week: Understanding Spyware is the First Step to Preventing It
The term ‘spyware’ has some clearly negative connotations to it, and rightly so. This variety of malicious software can cause no small amount of trouble if left unchecked....
Tip of the Week: Use this Free PC Tool to Find Out Which Files You Should Delete Next
Fact: your PC has a limited amount of storage space. When a user runs out of space or comes close to it, they need to come up with a solution. Without taking any action,...
Tip of the Week: How to Calculate Basic Math Problems Using Microsoft Word
You know Microsoft Word as the great word processor that your business relies on to compose documents of all kinds. However, Microsoft Word is much more flexible and...
Tip of the Week: 12 Security Rules Every PC User Should Follow
While you are probably spending a fair amount of time thinking about your business’ security, can you confidently say the same about those that you’ve employed?...
Tip of the Week: Use Windows Start Menu to Search Your PC and the Web
It’s no secret that finding a particular program or file on your computer can be a pain, especially when you don’t have the time to hunt it down by clicking through folders....