“Helder Machado of Machado Consulting began his company in 2001, beginning with part-time IT consulting work from his home office in Sutton. Recognizing the need for IT consulting services, Helder launched Machado Consulting into a full-time, full-service IT company in 2008, operating out of one office at 89 Shrewsbury Street in Worcester. In 2010, Machado Consulting was awarded an entrepreneur workforce development grant from the National Guard, allowing him to hire and train a disabled veteran.
Since the launch of Machado Consulting in 2001 from his home, to the one office at 89 Shrewsbury Street, to the raw, vacant space at the proposed Innovation Center at 20 Franklin Street, the company now leases office space at the downtown Bay State Building at 32 Franklin Street. Machado Consulting has grown to a staff of 15 with over $1 million in annual revenue, working with companies in seventeen states, four countries, and two continents – a true example of successful office incubation and expansion in downtown Worcester. The WBDC honors Machado Consulting for their commitment of making Worcester their corporate home.”