TL;DR: Database monitoring is pivotal for small and medium-sized businesses to prevent data breaches, ensure regulatory compliance, and preserve customer trust. Implementing...
Cyber Compliance Requirements for Manufacturing Businesses: 6 Things You Need to Know in 2023
Manufacturing consistently ranks among the most targeted sectors in terms of cyberattacks and the number of annual data breaches continues to rise. Despite suffering nearly...
The CMMC Framework Explained: How to Prepare Now for Compliance in 2023
The US Department of Defense (DoD) released its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework in January 2020. Since then, the CMMC framework has undergone...
The Outlook for Privacy Laws in 2023: What to Expect and How to Prepare for Compliance
You may be surprised to learn that legislation governing data privacy in the US currently takes place at the State versus Federal level of government. This can be a...
Cyber-Insurance Checklist: 10 Actions to Stay Compliant and Safeguard Your Business
The global connectivity that levels the information playing field among small and mid-sized businesses attracts thieves. Commonly known as "hackers" and "cybercriminals,"...
CMMC 2.0: Important New DoD Updates You Need to Know
Over the past year, you’ve been hearing from us about the Cybersecurity Model Certification (CMMC) compliance requirements first outlined by the U.S government in 2019....